The Lubrecht Pages
Hi I'm residieu.
At other times, I go by other names (most strange, recently, is "Daddy"), but for the moment
I think that will be enough. If you're interested in who I
really am you'll have to wade through all the junk I've written
I've put up some (really old) pictures of myself
here Have a look if you like :)
That's really enough about me for the moment. But at least
its up to date. (more or less)
Not much here:
- I GM a Mutants And Masterminds game, roughly monthly. It's been a fun change from a Dungeons and Dragons heavy gaming background. Have a brief review of the system up
In the spirit of old choose-your-own adventure books, and specifically a site called Addventure, I have my adaptation, NewVenture. Under construction, but functional.
I used to been play lot of City of Heroes, a Massive Multiplayer Online Roleplaying Game (MMORPG) with superheroes. It was addictive little timesink, but fun. Sadly, the game was finally shut down. I still have memories , though."
The Nintendo Wii is still a cool toy, but again, hard to find the time w/ access to the TV. Not a whole lot here, just some of the mii avatars I was messing around with
A Random assortment of links that I pieced together way back in college. Some things of interest there, mostly not.
Other than that, I'm not sure what I'm going to put here. My main
page on my university account really needs an overhaul one of
these days so I'll probably just rewrite that and plop it down here. Feel free to come in and have a look around as stuff gets
put up. I welcome any comments, but be kind, there will be more
here soon. I promise.
For my personal benefit, mostly. Test Java in your browser.
Now let's go back to Hawaii